Warning Signs of an Overloaded Electrical Circuit
Overloading can cause your circuits and their relevant components to overheat. Overheating is also a bad idea because it produces heat and arcing and can cause significant damage to your appliances.
In this post, we will discuss the causes of overloaded circuits, the warning signs, and what you can do to prevent overloaded circuits:
Causes of an overloaded circuit
In most homes, electrical problems arise if the average household usage exceeds what your system can withstand. This happens if you have plugged in too many appliances in a single circuit or have piggybacked additional devices on your extension cords and wall outlets. Once the wiring exceeds the rated load, the wiring will trip the breaker, eventually closing down the entire circuit. Without a functioning breaker in place, the circuit would eventually overload and overheat, melting the outer insulation, and leading to a fire. This is why it’s imperative that you have the right type of breaker, which an expert professionally and correctly installs.
What are the warning signs?
One of the most tell-tale signs of an electrical overload circuit is a circuit breaker that keeps on tripping and shutting off the power supply. An overloaded circuit also causes your lights to frequently dim or flicker every time you switch on multiple appliances or light fixtures. This is because overloaded circuit breakers result in frequently blown fuses.
Further signs include buzzing noises and a burning smell coming out of the switches and outlets. When this happens, the outlets and switches might become warm to touch and eventually become scorched. As a result, the wall plates tend to appear discolored and warmer.
In severe cases, your electronics start becoming sluggish or might even deal with a lack of power. If the circuit has become overloaded, you could feel a mild shock or tingling situation every time you touch the switches, appliances, or outlets. It’s also common to hear cracking and sizzling noises coming from the receptacles.
How can you prevent electrical overloads?
The key to preventing overloaded circuits is to be well-informed about what your electrical system can handle. Get routine inspections done by a professional electrician service to ensure that the electrical load is well allocated. They’ll also install new outlets if there’s a need.
It’s also a good idea not to use extension cords and/or multi-outlet converters for your appliances. Make sure all of your major devices are plugged directly into the wall outlet. If you’re using heat-producing appliances, only plug one appliance into a receptacle outlet at a single time. Don’t rely too much on extension cords—it only means that you’ll be left with fewer outlets for your needs.
BG Electrical Service LLC will be glad to cater to all of your electrical needs in Philadelphia, PA. We are known for our top-of-the-line customer service. Our trained electricians have years of extensive experience in the field of electrical service.Get in touch for a seamless, stress-free experience.